Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tonight I made my first successful roast beef.  I was looking for a super easy recipe with only the basic meat and vegetable ingredients so I posted on Facebook for some ideas.  Someone suggested using a McCormick "Bag 'N Season" and it worked out wonderfully!  All you have to do it put the ingredients in the bag, add the seasoning packet and water, and cook for a few hours depending on the size of the roast.  So simple.  The meat came out tender and not the usual brick of beef I have had in past attempts.  I am quite pleased and plan to try out more of these season bags in the future. 
On a different note, I am having a bit of a pity party today.  I feel like I am being delusional in thinking I am fine as I am; rather I need to diet and lose weight.  I have been doing well with my exercise goals each week but as usual, feel like it is never enough.  I am living in fear of outgrowing my clothes and that is the worst feeling.  I think when I am in this kind of mindset, it makes me even more compulsive with my food.  I have been sloppier lately with some food choices but overall have not been overindulging.  Maybe completing my mileage goal for this week and logging it will help me mood.  Who knows.  
 I am not feeling well physically which is surely impacting my emotions.  I have some kind of cold and sinus thing going on and have lost my voice.  I have also been cooped up with my two small children almost every day this week thanks to the number of snow days we have had.  That came out children have been stuck inside most of the time and have gotten a bit of cabin fever.  This leads to them fighting with each other, tearing out every toy they own and suddenly becoming so exhausted they couldn't possibly clean them up, etc.  

Tomorrow is another day.  I plan to go to church, plan my outfit for work on Monday and put away some laundry.  Such an exciting life.  You know you're jealous ; )

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